
Here are some illustrative Python scripts for situations when a command line tool isn’t available.

Obtaining force-field parameters for certain atoms

Force-field parameters are saved in “terms” inside the force-field “tables”

table = mol.table('stretch_harm')
atoms ='index 0 1')
terms = table.findWithAll(atoms)
# {'constrained': 0, 'fc': 317.0, 'memo': 'JCC,7,(1986),230; AA', 'r0': 1.522, 'type': 'C CT'}

Adding artificial bonds

Msys can add force terms to a system:

import msys, sys
ifile, ofile = sys.argv[1:]
T.addTerm([mol.atom(0), mol.atom(1)], param)
# ...
msys.Save(mol, ofile)

Adding energy groups

Desmond and Anton use the “energy_groups” atom property to assign atoms to energy groups:

mol = msys.Load('system.dms')

# add an integer property.  The default value is zero.  It's a no-op
# if the property already exists, and an error if it exists but has a
# different type.
mol.addAtomProp('grp_energy', int)

# assign protein to energy group 1
for a in'protein'):
  a['grp_energy'] = 1

# save the result
msys.SaveDMS(mol, 'system_engrp.dms')

Remove selected constraints

Remove all constraints for atoms in a particular atom selection, and also update the ‘constrained’ property of the stretch_harm terms for the stretch terms that are no longer constrained:

import sys, msys
ifile, ofile=sys.argv[1:]
seltext='hydrogen and withinbonds 1 of (backbone and nitrogen)'

print "reading from %s" % ifile
residues=set(a.residue for a in atoms)

print "found %d atoms in selection from %d residues" % (len(atoms), len(residues))


for table in mol.tables:
    if table.category != 'constraint': continue
    print "doing table",
    for term in table.terms:
        for a in term.atoms:
            if a in atoms:

print "removed %d constraints" % len(removed_constraints)

if 'constrained' in stretch.term_props:
    print "finding constrained stretch_harm terms"

    for term in mol.table('stretch_harm').terms:
        if not term['constrained']: continue
        # one of the atoms in the term must be in the original selection
        if not s.intersection(atoms):

        # mark as unconstrained if all atoms in term overlap a constraint
        for cons in removed_constraints:
            if not s.difference(cons):
                uncons += 1

print "unconstrained %d stretch_harm terms" % uncons

print "Saving to %s" % ofile
msys.SaveDMS(mol, ofile)

Canonicalize position restraint terms

Some posre_harm tables have x0, y0, z0 as param properties rather than term properties. This script enforces the convention that these properties ought to be term properties:

def canonicalize(mol):
    props=set(('x0', 'y0', 'z0'))
    if props.issubset(set(posre.term_props)):
        print "Already canonical!"

    if not props.issubset(set(posre.params.props)):
        print "Missing %s from posre params!" % (props,)

    print "File is not canonical!  Fixing..." = '__posre_harm_old__'
    for t in posre.terms:
        p = newposre.params.addParam()
        p['fcx'] = t['fcx']
        p['fcy'] = t['fcy']
        p['fcz'] = t['fcz']
        t2 = newposre.addTerm(t.atoms, p)
        t2['x0'] = t['x0']
        t2['y0'] = t['y0']
        t2['z0'] = t['z0']

def main():
    import sys
    ifile, ofile = sys.argv[1:]
    mol = mol.clone()
    msys.SaveDMS(mol, ofile)

if __name__=="__main__": main()

Processing multi-entry files (e.g. SDF files)

To iterate over each structure in an SDF file, use msys.LoadMany. The LoadMany function is a generator, so you should iterate over its results rather than simply calling it.

Each result returned by LoadMany is a System with one ct. You’ll need to access the ct member of the System in order to view or modify the data values associated with each entry.

To write entries back out to a new SDF file after filtering or modifying them, use msys.SaveSDF. It’s most efficient to create your own file object in Python, and write the string returned by SaveSDF to that file.

When entries in the SDF file cannot be parsed, msys skips the next entry, and msys.LoadMany returns None for the offending entry. You should check for None in the return values of msys.LoadMany and skip them if that makes sense for your script.

Here is an example snippet which reads each entry, filters by atom count, modifies a data property, removes another data property, and writes the results to another file:

def process_sdf(ifile, ofile):
    fp = open(ofile, 'w')
    for i, mol in enumerate(msys.LoadMany(ifile)):
        # skip entries which couldn't be parsed
        if mol is None:
            print "Warning, skipping entry %d" % (i+1)
        # filter systems with fewer than 5 atoms
        if mol.natoms < 5:
        ct = mol.ct(0)
        # update 'THE_SCORE' property.  Note that vlaues returned by
        # get may be float, int, or string.
        score = ct.get('THE_SCORE', 0.0)
        score += 5.0
        ct['THE_SCORE'] = score
        # remove 'USELESS' property
        if ct.get('USELESS') is not None:
            del ct['USELESS']
        # write the entry back out
        fp.write(msys.SaveSDF(mol, None)

Processing large SDF files

If you have large sdf files with many thousands of entries, you may benefit from using a set of functions specialized for SDF files. The new functions are around 10x faster at reading SDF files and 20x faster for writing. However, there is no facility for modifying the molecular structures of each entry, though you can inspect and modify the data values. Also, the data values are always returned as strings, so you must case them to appropriate types if you wish to manipulate them as integers or floats.

The new functions are named ScanSDF and FormatSDF. Here a snippet which performs the same actions as the process_sdf function in the previous example, using the new functions:

def process_sdf_fast(ifile, ofile):
    fp = open(ofile, 'w')
    for i, mol in enumerate(msys.ScanSDF(ifile)):
        # skip entries which couldn't be parsed
        if mol is None:
            print "Warning, skipping entry %d" % (i+1)
        # filter systems with fewer than 5 atoms
        if mol.natoms < 5:
        # update 'THE_SCORE', coverting the existing value to float
        score = mol.get('THE_SCORE', 0.0)
        ct['THE_SCORE'] = float(score) + 5.0
        # remove 'USELESS' property
        if ct.get('USELESS') is not None:
            del ct['USELESS']
        # write the entry back out

Change the mass of selected atoms

Change the mass of selected hydrogens to 4, and compensate by increasing the mass of the atom bonded to the hydrogen by the appropriate amount:

def adjust_masses(mol, sel, compensate=True):
    for a in'hydrogen and %s' % sel):
        old = a.mass
        a.mass = 4
        if compensate:
            a.bonded_atoms[0].mass -= 4-old