Source code for msys

This is the high-level Python interface for msys, intended for use
by chemists.

from . import _msys, version
import numpy
import sys
import tempfile

from ._msys import NonbondedInfo
from ._msys import RadiusForElement, MassForElement, ElementForAbbreviation
from ._msys import GuessAtomicNumber, AbbreviationForElement
from ._msys import ElectronegativityForElement
from ._msys import PeriodForElement, GroupForElement
from ._msys import HydrogenBond, FetchPDB
from ._msys import BadId
from .atomsel import Atomsel
from . import molfile

[docs]class BrokenBondsError(BaseException): pass
class Handle(object): __slots__ = ('_ptr', '_id') def __init__(self, _ptr, _id): self._ptr = _ptr self._id = int(_id) def __eq__(self, x): return self.__class__==type(x) and self._id==x._id and self._ptr==x._ptr def __ne__(self, x): return self.__class__!=type(x) or self._id!=x._id or self._ptr!=x._ptr def __hash__(self): return hash((self._ptr, self._id)) @property def id(self): ''' id of this object in the parent System ''' return self._id @property def system(self): ''' parent System ''' return System(self._ptr) def __add_properties(cls, *names): for attr in names: setattr(cls, attr, property( lambda self, x=attr: getattr(, x), lambda self, val, x=attr: setattr(, x, val), doc=attr))
[docs]class Bond(Handle): ''' Represents a bond in a System ''' __slots__ = ()
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '<Bond %d>' % self._id
def data(self): return
[docs] def remove(self): ''' remove this Bond from the System ''' self._ptr.delBond(self._id)
@property def first(self): ''' first Atom in the bond (the one with lower id) ''' return Atom(self._ptr, @property def second(self): ''' second Atom in the bond (the one with higher id) ''' return Atom(self._ptr,
[docs] def other(self, atom): ''' atom in bond not the same as given atom ''' return Atom(self._ptr,
[docs] def __lt__(self, that): if not isinstance(that, Bond): raise TypeError("comparison not supported between instances of '%s' and '%s'" % ( Bond, type(that))) return (self._ptr,, < \ (that._ptr,,
@property def atoms(self): ''' Atoms in this Bond ''' return self.first, self.second
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, val): ''' set custom Bond property ''' self._ptr.setBondProp(self._id, key, val)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): ''' get custom Bond property ''' return self._ptr.getBondProp(self._id, key)
[docs] def __contains__(self, key): ''' does custom Bond property exist? ''' return not _msys.bad(self._ptr.bondPropIndex(key))
@property def order(self): ''' bond order (int) ''' return @order.setter def order(self, val): = val
[docs]class Atom(Handle): ''' Represents an atom (or pseudoparticle) in a chemical system ''' __slots__ = ()
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '<Atom %d>' % self._id
@property def fullname(self): res = self.residue chn = res.chain return '%s:%s%d:%s' % (,, res.resid, def data(self): return self._ptr.atom(self._id)
[docs] def remove(self): ''' remove this Atom from the System ''' self._ptr.delAtom(self._id)
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, val): ''' set atom property key to val ''' self._ptr.setAtomProp(self._id, key, val)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): ''' get atom property key ''' return self._ptr.getAtomProp(self._id, key)
[docs] def __contains__(self, key): ''' does atom property key exist? ''' return not _msys.bad(self._ptr.atomPropIndex(key))
[docs] def __lt__(self, that): if not isinstance(that, Atom): raise TypeError("comparison not supported between instances of '%s' and '%s'" % ( Atom, type(that))) return (self._ptr, self._id) < (that._ptr, that._id)
[docs] def addBond(self, other): ''' create and return a Bond from self to other ''' assert self._ptr == other._ptr return Bond(self._ptr, self._ptr.addBond(self._id,
[docs] def findBond(self, other): ''' Find the bond between self and Atom other; None if not found ''' return self.system.findBond(self, other)
@property def pos(self): ''' position ''' return numpy.array((self.x, self.y, self.z)) @pos.setter def pos(self, xyz): self.x, self.y, self.z = map(float, xyz) @property def vel(self): ''' velocity ''' return numpy.array((self.vx, self.vy, self.vz)) @vel.setter def vel(self, xyz): self.vx, self.vy, self.vz = map(float, xyz) @property def residue(self): return Residue(self._ptr, @residue.setter def residue(self, res): self._ptr.setResidue(self._id, @property def bonds(self): ''' Bonds connected to this atom ''' return [Bond(self._ptr, i) for i in self._ptr.bondsForAtom(self._id)] @property def bonded_atoms(self): ''' Atoms bonded to this atom ''' return [Atom(self._ptr, i) for i in self._ptr.bondedAtoms(self._id)] @property def nbonds(self): ''' number of bonds to this atom ''' return self._ptr.bondCountForAtom(self._id) @property def nhydrogens(self): ''' number of bonded hydrogens ''' return len([a for a in self.bonded_atoms if a.atomic_number==1]) @property def valence(self): ''' sum of bond orders ''' return sum([b.order for b in self.bonds if b.other(self).atomic_number > 0])
__add_properties(Atom, 'fragid', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'charge', 'vx', 'vy', 'vz', 'mass', 'atomic_number', 'formal_charge', 'name', 'aromatic')
[docs]class Residue(Handle): ''' Represents a residue (group of Atoms) in a System ''' __slots__ = ()
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '<Residue %s %d%s>' % (, d.resid, d.insertion)
def data(self): return self._ptr.residue(self._id)
[docs] def remove(self): ''' remove this Residue from the System ''' self._ptr.delResidue(self._id)
[docs] def addAtom(self): ''' append a new Atom to this Residue and return it ''' return Atom(self._ptr, self._ptr.addAtom(self._id))
@property def atoms(self): ''' list of Atoms in this Residue ''' return [Atom(self._ptr, i) for i in self._ptr.atomsForResidue(self._id)] @property def natoms(self): ''' number of atoms in this residue ''' return self._ptr.atomCountForResidue(self._id) @property def chain(self): ''' parent chain ''' return Chain(self._ptr, @chain.setter def chain(self, chn): self._ptr.setChain(self._id, @property def resid(self): ''' the PDB residue identifier ''' return @resid.setter def resid(self, val): = val @property def name(self): ''' residue name ''' return @name.setter def name(self, val): = val @property def insertion(self): ''' insertion code ''' return @insertion.setter def insertion(self, val): = val @property def center(self): ''' return geometric center of positions of atoms in residue ''' pos=self._ptr.getPositions(self._ptr.atomsForResidue(self._id)) return numpy.mean(pos,axis=0)
[docs] def selectAtom(self, name=None): ''' Returns a single Atom from this residue with the given name, or None if no such atom is present. If multiple atoms in the residue have that name, raise an exception. ''' atoms = [a for a in self.atoms if (name is None or] if not atoms: return None if len(atoms) is 1: return atoms[0] raise ValueError("Found %d atoms with given name" % (len(atoms)))
[docs]class Chain(Handle): ''' Represents a chain (of Residues) in a System ''' __slots__ = ()
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '<Chain %s>' %
def data(self): return self._ptr.chain(self._id)
[docs] def remove(self): ''' remove this Chain from the System ''' self._ptr.delChain(self._id)
[docs] def addResidue(self): ''' append a new Residue to this Chain and return it ''' return Residue(self._ptr, self._ptr.addResidue(self._id))
@property def residues(self): ''' list of Residues in this Chain ''' return [Residue(self._ptr, i) for i in self._ptr.residuesForChain(self._id)] @property def nresidues(self): ''' number of residues in this chain ''' return self._ptr.residueCountForChain(self._id)
[docs] def selectResidue(self, resid=None, name=None, insertion=None): ''' Returns a single Residue with the given resid, name, and/or insertion code. If no such residue is found, returns None. If multiple such residues are found within this chain, raises an exception. ''' residues = [r for r in self.residues if (resid is None or r.resid==resid) and (name is None or and (insertion is None or r.insertion==insertion)] if not residues: return None if len(residues) is 1: return residues[0] raise ValueError("Found %d residues with given resid, name or insertion" % (len(residues)))
@property def ct(self): ''' Return the Ct for this chain ''' return Ct(self._ptr, @ct.setter def ct(self, ct): self._ptr.setCt(self._id,
__add_properties(Chain, 'name', 'segid')
[docs]class Ct(Handle): ''' Represents a list of Chains in a System The Ct class exists mainly to provide a separate namespace for chains. If you merge two systems each of which has a chain A, you probably want the chains to remain separate. Cts accomplish this. The Ct class also provides a key-value namespace for assigning arbitrary properties to Systems. ''' __slots__ = () def data(self): return self._ptr.ct(self._id)
[docs] def remove(self): ''' remove this Ct from the System ''' self._ptr.delCt(self._id)
[docs] def addChain(self): ''' append a new Chain to this Ct and return it ''' return Chain(self._ptr, self._ptr.addChain(self._id))
@property def chains(self): ''' list of Chains in this Ct ''' return [Chain(self._ptr, i) for i in self._ptr.chainsForCt(self._id)] @property def nchains(self): ''' number of Chains in this Ct ''' return self._ptr.chainCountForCt(self._id) @property def natoms(self): ''' number of Atoms in the Ct ''' return self._ptr.atomCountForCt(self._id) @property def atoms(self): ''' list of Atoms in this Ct ''' ptr = self._ptr return [Atom(ptr, i) for i in ptr.atomsForCt(self._id)] @property def bonds(self): ''' list of Bonds in this Ct ''' ptr = self._ptr return [Bond(ptr, i) for i in ptr.bondsForCt(self._id)]
[docs] def append(self, system): ''' Appends atoms and forcefield from system to self. Returns a list of of the new created atoms in self. Systems must have identical nonbonded_info.vdw_funct. Does not overwrite the global cell information in self. ''' p=self._ptr ids=p.append(system._ptr, return [Atom(p, i) for i in ids]
### TODO: selectChain() @property def name(self): ''' Name of Ct ''' return @name.setter def name(self, s): = s
[docs] def keys(self): ''' available Ct properties ''' return list(
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, val): ''' set ct property key to val ''' t = if t is None: t = type(val), t), t(val))
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): ''' get ct property key ''' return
[docs] def __delitem__(self, key): ''' remove property key '''
[docs] def get(self, key, d=None): ''' get ct property key, else d, which defaults to None ''' try: return except KeyError: return d
class PropertyMap(object): def __init__(self, ptr): self._ptr = ptr def keys(self): return list(self._ptr.keys()) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._ptr.get(str(key)) def __setitem__(self, key, val): self._ptr.set(str(key), type(val), val) def __delitem__(self, key): self._ptr._del(str(key))
[docs]class Param(Handle): ''' A `Param` instance is a reference to a row in a `ParamTable`. Use the ``dict``-style interface to get and set values in the row. Msys will take care of converting input values to the type of the corresponding column, and raise an exception if the conversion cannot be performed. ''' __slots__=()
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '<Param %d>' % self._id
@property def id(self): ''' id in parent table ''' return self._id @property def table(self): ''' parent ParamTable ''' return ParamTable(self._ptr) @property def system(self): raise AttributeError('system')
[docs] def keys(self): ''' sorted list of available properties ''' return sorted(self.table.props)
[docs] def __setitem__(self, prop, val): ''' update the value of prop with val ''' p=self._ptr col=p.propIndex(prop) if col==BadId: raise KeyError("No such property '%s'" % prop) p.setProp(self._id, col, val)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, prop): ''' get the value of prop ''' p=self._ptr col=p.propIndex(prop) if col==BadId: raise KeyError("No such property '%s'" % prop) return p.getProp(self._id, col)
[docs] def duplicate(self): ''' create a new entry in the parent parameter table with the same values as this one, returning it. ''' return Param(self._ptr, self._ptr.duplicate(self._id))
[docs]class ParamTable(object): ''' The `ParamTable` class is a 2d table, whose rows are indexed by ``id`` and whose columns are properties; see the discussion of properties in the Overview. A `ParamTable` is used by `TermTables` to hold the shared parameters for its `Terms`. ''' __slots__=('_ptr',)
[docs] def __init__(self, _ptr): self._ptr = _ptr ''' Construct from ParamTablePtr. Do not invoke directly; use CreateParamTable() instead. '''
[docs] def __eq__(self, x): return self.__class__==type(x) and self._ptr==x._ptr
[docs] def __ne__(self, x): return self.__class__!=type(x) or self._ptr!=x._ptr
[docs] def __hash__(self): return self._ptr.__hash__()
[docs] def addParam(self, **kwds): ''' add and return a new Param(). If keyword arguments are supplied, they will be assigned to the newly created Param before returning it.''' p=Param(self._ptr, self._ptr.addParam()) for k,v in list(kwds.items()): p[k]=v return p
[docs] def addProp(self, name, type): ''' add a new property of the given type, which must be int, float, or str. ''' self._ptr.addProp(name,type)
@property def props(self): ''' names of the properties ''' p=self._ptr return [p.propName(i) for i in range(p.propCount())] @property def nprops(self): ''' number of properties ''' return self._ptr.propCount()
[docs] def propType(self, name): ''' type of the property with the given name ''' p=self._ptr return p.propType(p.propIndex(name))
[docs] def delProp(self, name): ''' removes the property with the given name. ''' self._ptr.delProp(self._ptr.propIndex(name))
[docs] def param(self, id): ''' fetch the Param with the given id ''' return Param(self._ptr, id)
@property def nparams(self): ''' number of Params ''' return self._ptr.paramCount() @property def params(self): ''' list of all Params in table ''' return [Param(self._ptr, i) for i in self._ptr.params()]
[docs] def find(self, name, value): ''' return the Params with the given value for name ''' proptype = self.propType(name) col = self._ptr.propIndex(name) value = proptype(value) if proptype is int: f=self._ptr.findInt elif proptype is float: f=self._ptr.findFloat else: f=self._ptr.findString return [self.param(x) for x in f(col, value)]
[docs]class Term(Handle): ''' A `Term` is a handle for an entry in a `TermTable`. The properties of a `Term` can be read and updated using a dictionary like interface. Both "term properties" and properties from the `ParamTable` are accessed through the same interface. To add or remove properties, use the provided methods in the `TermTable` or `ParamTable` instance. If a `Term`'s ``param`` is shared by another `Term` in any other `TermTable`, Msys will take care of providing the `Term` with its own `Param` containing a copy of the original properties before applying the changes. However, if you a modify a `Param` through its dictionary interface, you will affect all `Terms` that happen to share that `Param`:: # fetch the stretch_harm table table = mol.table('stretch_harm') # update the properties of just the first Term table.term(0)['fc'] = 320 # update the properties of all terms that use this param! table.term(0).param['fc'] = 320 ''' __slots__=()
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '<Term %d>' % self._id
@property def paramid(self): return self._ptr.param(self._id) @paramid.setter def paramid(self, id): self._ptr.setParam(self._id, id)
[docs] def remove(self): ''' remove the given Term from its TermTable ''' self._ptr.delTerm(self._id)
@property def id(self): ''' id of this term in its TermTable ''' return self._id @property def system(self): ''' parent System of parent TermTable ''' return TermTable(self._ptr).system @property def param(self): ''' The Param corresponding to this Term's parameters ''' id=self.paramid if _msys.bad(id): return None return Param(self._ptr.params(), id) @param.setter def param(self, val): if val is None: id = None else: if val.table != self.table.params: raise RuntimeError("param comes from a different ParamTable") id = self.paramid = id @property def atoms(self): ''' list of Atoms for this Term ''' return [Atom(self._ptr.system(), i) for i in self._ptr.atoms(self._id)] @property def table(self): ''' parent TermTable ''' return TermTable(self._ptr)
[docs] def keys(self): ''' union of table.params.props and table.term_props ''' return sorted(set(self.table.params.props).union(self.table.term_props))
[docs] def __getitem__(self, prop): ''' get the value of property prop ''' ptr = self._ptr # first try term properties col = ptr.termPropIndex(prop) if not _msys.bad(col): return ptr.getTermProp(self._id, col) # otherwise use param properties p = ptr.params() col = p.propIndex(prop) if col==BadId: raise KeyError("No such property '%s'" % prop) id=self.paramid if id==BadId: # The user asked for a valid property, but the term doesn't # have an assigned param. raise RuntimeError("No assigned param for '%s'" % repr(self)) return p.getProp(id, col)
[docs] def __setitem__(self, prop, val): ''' set the value of property prop ''' ptr = self._ptr # first try term properties col = ptr.termPropIndex(prop) if not _msys.bad(col): return ptr.setTermProp(self._id, col, val) # otherwise use param properties, duplicating if necessary p = ptr.params() col=p.propIndex(prop) if col==BadId: raise KeyError("No such property '%s'" % prop) id=self.paramid if id==BadId: raise RuntimeError("No assigned param for '%s'" % repr(self)) if p.refcount(id) > 1: id=p.duplicate(id) self.paramid=id p.setProp(id, col, val)
[docs]class TermTable(object): ''' Each TermTable is intended to describe a specific type of interaction, e.g. stretch, angle, Lennard-Jones, constraint_hoh, etc. A TermTable has an arity (given by the natoms property) which specifies how many atoms are involved in each interaction: one for nonbonded terms, two for stretch terms, etc. Each interaction instance is described by a `Term`. Each Term references the appropriate number of atoms, and exactly one Param, which lives in a ParamTable owned (or possible shared) by the TermTable. The functional form described by a TermTable is not part of msys; all msys does is represent the forcefield parameters in a generic way. ''' __slots__=('_ptr',)
[docs] def __init__(self, _ptr): ''' Construct from TermTablePtr. Do not invoke directly; use System.addTable or System.table instead ''' self._ptr = _ptr
[docs] def __eq__(self, x): return self._ptr==x._ptr
[docs] def __ne__(self, x): return self._ptr!=x._ptr
[docs] def __hash__(self): return self._ptr.__hash__()
[docs] def remove(self): ''' Remove this table from its parent system ''' self._ptr.destroy()
[docs] def coalesce(self): ''' Reassign param for each Term in this Table to a member of the distinct set of Params used by those Terms. ''' self._ptr.coalesce()
[docs] def replaceWithSortedTerms(self): ''' Replace table in self.system with a version of self that has terms sorted by atom ids. ''' return TermTable(self._ptr.replaceWithSortedTerms())
@property def props(self): ''' Table properties ''' return PropertyMap(self._ptr.tableProps()) @property def name(self): ''' name of this table ''' return @name.setter def name(self, newname): self._ptr.rename(newname)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return "<TermTable '%s'>" %
@property def params(self): ''' The ParamTable for terms in this table. ''' return ParamTable(self._ptr.params()) @params.setter def params(self, p): self._ptr.resetParams(p._ptr) @property def system(self): ''' The System whose atoms are referenced by this table. ''' sys=self._ptr.system() if sys is None: return None return System(sys) @property def term_props(self): ''' names of the custom properties ''' p=self._ptr return [p.termPropName(i) for i in range(p.termPropCount())] @property def natoms(self): ''' number of atoms in each term ''' return self._ptr.atomCount() @property def category(self): ''' A string describing what kind of TermTable this is. Possibilities are: *bond*, *constraint*, *virtual*, *polar*, *nonbonded*, and *exclusion*.''' return _msys.print_category(self._ptr.category) @category.setter def category(self, val): self._ptr.category=_msys.parse_category(val) @property def nterms(self): ''' number of terms ''' return self._ptr.termCount()
[docs] def delTermsWithAtom(self, atom): ''' remove all terms whose atoms list contains the given Atom ''' assert atom.system == self.system, "atom is from different System" self._ptr.delTermsWithAtom(
[docs] def findWithAll(self, atoms): ''' return the terms that contain all the given atoms in any order ''' if not atoms: return [] ptr, ids = _convert_ids(atoms) if ptr!=self.system._ptr: raise ValueError("atoms are from a different System") return [self.term(x) for x in self._ptr.findWithAll(ids)]
[docs] def findWithAny(self, atoms): ''' return the terms that contain at least one of the given atoms ''' if not atoms: return [] ptr, ids = _convert_ids(atoms) if ptr!=self.system._ptr: raise ValueError("atoms are from a different System") return [self.term(x) for x in self._ptr.findWithAny(ids)]
[docs] def findWithOnly(self, atoms): ''' return the terms that contain only the given atoms ''' if not atoms: return [] ptr, ids = _convert_ids(atoms) if ptr!=self.system._ptr: raise ValueError("atoms are from a different System") return [self.term(x) for x in self._ptr.findWithOnly(ids)]
[docs] def findExact(self, atoms): ''' return the terms that contain precisely the given atoms in the given order. ''' if not atoms: return [] ptr, ids = _convert_ids(atoms) if ptr!=self.system._ptr: raise ValueError("atoms are from a different System") return [self.term(x) for x in self._ptr.findExact(ids)]
@property def terms(self): ''' returns a list of all the Terms in the table ''' return [Term(self._ptr, i) for i in self._ptr.terms()]
[docs] def term(self, id): ''' returns the Term in the table with the given id ''' return Term(self._ptr, id)
[docs] def hasTerm(self, id): ''' Does a Term with the given id exist in the table? ''' return self._ptr.hasTerm(id)
[docs] def addTermProp(self, name, type): ''' add a custom Term property of the given type ''' self._ptr.addTermProp(name, type)
[docs] def delTermProp(self, name): ''' remove the custom Term property ''' self._ptr.delTermProp(self._ptr.termPropIndex(name))
[docs] def termPropType(self, name): ''' type of the given Term property ''' p=self._ptr return p.termPropType(p.termPropIndex(name))
[docs] def addTerm(self, atoms, param = None): ''' Add a Term to the table, with given initial param. The atoms list must have natoms elements, and each Atom must belong to the same System as the TermTable. If param is not None, it must belong to the ParamTable held by the TermTable. ''' if param is not None: if param.table != self.params: raise RuntimeError("param comes from a different ParamTable") param = n=len(atoms) ids=[None]*n for i in range(n): a=atoms[i] ids[i] if a.system != self.system: raise RuntimeError("Cannot add atoms from different system") return Term(self._ptr, self._ptr.addTerm(ids, param))
@property def override_params(self): ''' parameter table containing override values ''' return ParamTable(self._ptr.overrides().params()) @property def noverrides(self): ''' number of parameter overrides ''' return self._ptr.overrides().count()
[docs] def count_overrides(self): ''' return the number of pairwise nonbonded interactions which are affected by the overrides in the given term table. ''' # count the number of atoms for each nonbonded param nparams = self.params.nparams pcount = [0] * nparams for t in self.terms: pcount[] += 1 cnt = sum(pcount[] * pcount[] for pi, pj in self.overrides()) return cnt
[docs] def overrides(self): ''' return a mapping from pairs of Params in self.params to a Param in self.override_params. ''' d=dict() p = self.params o = self._ptr.overrides() op = self.override_params for i,j in o.list(): pi = p.param(i) pj = p.param(j) d[(pi,pj)] = op.param(o.get(i,j)) return d
[docs] def setOverride(self, pi, pj, op): ''' override the interaction between params pi and pj with the interaction given by op. pi and pj must be Params from self.params; op must be a param from self.override_params, or None to remove the override. ''' if pi.__class__ is not Param: raise TypeError("pi must be Param") if pj.__class__ is not Param: raise TypeError("pj must be Param") if pi.table != self.params: raise ValueError("pi must be from self.params") if pj.table != self.params: raise ValueError("pj must be from self.params") if op is None: return self._ptr.overrides().del_(, if op.__class__ is not Param: raise TypeError("op must be Param or None") if op.table != self.override_params: raise ValueError("op must be from self.override_params") self._ptr.overrides().set(,,
[docs] def getOverride(self, pi, pj): ''' get override for given pair of params, or None if not present. ''' if pi.__class__ is not Param: raise TypeError("pi must be Param") if pj.__class__ is not Param: raise TypeError("pj must be Param") if pi.table != self.params: raise ValueError("pi must be from self.params") if pj.table != self.params: raise ValueError("pj must be from self.params") id = self._ptr.overrides().get(, if _msys.bad(id): return None return self.override_params.param(id)
[docs]class System(object): ''' The `System` class holds all structure and forcefield data for a single chemical system. Create a new `System` using ``msys.CreateSystem()``, or from a file using ``msys.LoadDMS`` or ``msys.LoadMAE.`` A `System` organizes the information in a DMS file into several different groups: * Tables - `TermTables` are grouped and accessed by name * cell - the unit cell vectors for the `System`, in the form of a 3x3 NumPy array. * nonbonded_info - the NonbondedInfo object describing the type of nonbonded interactions. * provenance - a list of Provenance objects describing how the input file has been processed. * Auxiliary tables: Everything else in the DMS file that does not fit into one of the above categories finds its way into an auxiliary table. Notable denizens of this category include: - cmap tables - forcefield (annotation for parameters in the DMS file) ''' __slots__ = ('_ptr', '_atoms')
[docs] def __getinitargs__(self): ''' Pickle support (requires cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) ''' return self._ptr
[docs] def __init__(self, _ptr): ''' Construct from SystemPtr. Do not invoke directly; use CreateSystem() instead. ''' self._ptr = _ptr self._atoms = []
[docs] def __eq__(self, x): return self.__class__==type(x) and self._ptr==x._ptr
[docs] def __ne__(self, x): return self.__class__!=type(x) or self._ptr!=x._ptr
[docs] def __hash__(self): return self._ptr.__hash__()
[docs] def __repr__(self): return "<System '%s'>" %
[docs] def save(self, path, structure_only=False): """Write self to path Arguments: path (str): file path structure_only (bool): write only atom information, not forcefield Returns: self """ Save(self, path, structure_only=structure_only) return self
[docs] def hash(self, sorted=True): ''' hash of contents of this system. The hash is insensitive to provenance and ''' if sorted: # clone and put terms in order. self = self.clone() for table in self.tables: table = table.replaceWithSortedTerms() return _msys.HashSystem(self._ptr)
[docs] def asCapsule(self): ''' Return a capsule wrapper of the internal SystemPtr. The capsule holds a bare pointer and therefore must not outlive self. ''' return self._ptr.asCapsule(self._ptr)
[docs] @classmethod def fromCapsule(cls, cap): ''' Construct from a capsule wrapper of a SystemPtr. ''' return cls(_msys.SystemPtr.fromCapsule(cap))
@property def name(self): ''' The name of the System, taken from the input file name ''' return @name.setter def name(self, s):
[docs] def addAtom(self): ''' add and return a new Atom in its own residue ''' return self.addResidue().addAtom()
[docs] def addResidue(self): ''' add and return a new Residue in its own chain ''' return self.addChain().addResidue()
[docs] def addChain(self, ct=BadId): ''' add and return a new Chain. If no ct is given, the chain will be added to the first ct, creating one if necessary. ''' return Chain(self._ptr, self._ptr.addChain(ct))
[docs] def addCt(self): ''' add and return a new Ct ''' return Ct(self._ptr, self._ptr.addCt())
def _remove(self, elems, klass): for a in elems: if a._ptr != self._ptr: raise ValueError("elements come from a different system") if not isinstance(a, klass): raise TypeError("expected list of %s; got %s" % (klass,type(a))) a.remove()
[docs] def delAtoms(self, atoms): ''' remove the given Atoms from the System ''' self._remove(atoms, Atom)
[docs] def delBonds(self, bonds): ''' remove the given Bonds from the System ''' self._remove(bonds, Bond)
[docs] def delResidues(self, residues): ''' remove the given Residues from the System ''' self._remove(residues, Residue)
[docs] def delChains(self, chains): ''' remove the given Chains from the System ''' self._remove(chains, Chain)
[docs] def atom(self, id): ''' return the atom with the specified id ''' return Atom(self._ptr, id)
[docs] def bond(self, id): ''' return the bond with the specified id ''' return Bond(self._ptr, id)
[docs] def residue(self, id): ''' return the residue with the specified id ''' return Residue(self._ptr, id)
[docs] def chain(self, id): ''' return the chain with the specified id ''' return Chain(self._ptr, id)
[docs] def ct(self, id): ''' return the Ct with the specified id ''' return Ct(self._ptr, id)
[docs] def findBond(self, a1, a2): ''' return the bond between the specified atoms, or None if not found ''' assert a1.system == self assert a2.system == self id=self._ptr.findBond(, if _msys.bad(id): return None return Bond(self._ptr, id)
@property def cell(self): ''' The GlobalCell for this System ''' return self._ptr.global_cell @property def nonbonded_info(self): ''' NonbondedInfo for this System ''' return self._ptr.nonbonded_info @nonbonded_info.setter def nonbonded_info(self, nbinfo): self._ptr.nonbonded_info = nbinfo @property def natoms(self): ''' number of atoms ''' return self._ptr.atomCount() @property def nbonds(self): ''' number of bonds ''' return self._ptr.bondCount() @property def nresidues(self): ''' number of residues ''' return self._ptr.residueCount() @property def nchains(self): ''' number of chains ''' return self._ptr.chainCount() @property def ncts(self): ''' number of Cts ''' return self._ptr.ctCount() @property def atoms(self): ''' return list of all atoms in the system ''' atms=self._update_atoms() return [atms[i] for i in self._ptr.atomsAsList()] @property def bonds(self): ''' return list of all bonds in the system ''' ptr=self._ptr return [Bond(ptr, i) for i in ptr.bonds()] @property def residues(self): ''' return list of all residues in the system ''' ptr=self._ptr return [Residue(ptr, i) for i in ptr.residues()] @property def chains(self): ''' return list of all chains in the system ''' ptr=self._ptr return [Chain(ptr, i) for i in ptr.chains()] @property def cts(self): ''' return list of all cts in the system ''' ptr = self._ptr return [Ct(ptr, i) for i in ptr.cts()]
[docs] def addAtomProp(self, name, type): ''' add a custom atom property with the given name and type. type should be int, float, or str. ''' self._ptr.addAtomProp(name, type)
[docs] def delAtomProp(self, name): ''' remove the given custom atom property ''' self._ptr.delAtomProp(self._ptr.atomPropIndex(name))
@property def atom_props(self): ''' return the list of custom atom properties. ''' p=self._ptr return [p.atomPropName(i) for i in range(p.atomPropCount())]
[docs] def atomPropType(self, name): ''' type of the given atom property ''' return self._ptr.atomPropType(self._ptr.atomPropIndex(name))
[docs] def atomsGroupedBy(self, prop): ''' Return dictionary mapping representative values of the given atom property to lists of atoms having that property. If the property does not exist in this system, returns an empty dictionary. ''' d=dict() if hasattr(Atom, prop): getter=lambda x: getattr(x,prop) elif prop in self.atom_props: getter=lambda x: x[prop] else: return d atms=self._update_atoms() for a in atms: key = getter(a) d.setdefault(key,[]).append(a) return d
@property def positions(self): ''' Nx3 list of lists of positions of all atoms ''' return self._ptr.getPositions() @positions.setter def positions(self, pos): self._ptr.setPositions(pos)
[docs] def getPositions(self): ''' get copy of positions as Nx3 array ''' return self._ptr.getPositions()
[docs] def setPositions(self, pos): ''' set positions from Nx3 array ''' self._ptr.setPositions(pos)
[docs] def getVelocities(self): ''' get copy of velocities as N3x array ''' return self._ptr.getVelocities()
[docs] def setVelocities(self, vel): ''' set velocities from Nx3 array ''' self._ptr.setVelocities(vel)
[docs] def setCell(self, cell): ''' set unit cell from from 3x3 array ''' for i in range(3): self.cell[i][:] = cell[i]
[docs] def getCell(self): ''' return copy of unit cell as 3x3 numpy array ''' return self.cell.copy()
@property def center(self): ''' return geometric center of positions of all atoms ''' return numpy.mean(self.getPositions(), axis=0)
[docs] def translate(self, xyz): ''' shift coordinates by given amount ''' self._ptr.translate(*list(map(float, xyz)))
### ### bond properties ###
[docs] def addBondProp(self, name, type): ''' add a custom bond property with the given name and type. type should be int, float, or str. ''' self._ptr.addBondProp(name, type)
[docs] def delBondProp(self, name): ''' remove the given custom bond property ''' self._ptr.delBondProp(self._ptr.bondPropIndex(name))
@property def bond_props(self): ''' return the list of custom bond properties. ''' p=self._ptr return [p.bondPropName(i) for i in range(p.bondPropCount())]
[docs] def bondPropType(self, name): ''' type of the given bond property ''' return self._ptr.bondPropType(self._ptr.bondPropIndex(name))
@property def topology(self): ''' list of bonded atoms for each atom in the System ''' return self._ptr.topology() ### ### operations on term tables ### @property def table_names(self): ''' names of the tables in the System ''' return [x for x in self._ptr.tableNames()] @property def tables(self): ''' all the tables in the System ''' return [TermTable(self._ptr.table(x)) for x in self._ptr.tableNames()]
[docs] def table(self, name): ''' Get the TermTable with the given name, raising ValueError if not present. ''' ptr=self._ptr.table(name) if ptr is None: raise ValueError("No such table '%s'" % name) return TermTable(ptr)
[docs] def getTable(self, name): ''' Return the TermTable with the given name, or None if not present. ''' ptr=self._ptr.table(name) if ptr is None: return None return TermTable(ptr)
[docs] def addTable(self, name, natoms, params = None): ''' add a table with the given name and number of atoms. If a table with the same name already exists, it is returned, otherwise the newly created table is returned. If no ParamTable params is supplied, a new one is created. ''' if params is not None: params = params._ptr name = str(name) natoms = int(natoms) return TermTable(self._ptr.addTable(name, natoms, params))
[docs] def addTableFromSchema(self, type, name = None): ''' Add a table to the system if it not already present, returning it. If optional name field is provided, the table will be added with the given name; otherwise the name is taken from the table schema. ''' if name is None: name=type return TermTable(self._ptr.addTableFromSchema(type,name))
[docs] def coalesceTables(self): ''' Invoke TermTable.coalesce on each table ''' self._ptr.coalesceTables()
### ### auxiliary tables ### @property def auxtable_names(self): ''' names of the auxiliary tables ''' return [x for x in self._ptr.auxTableNames()] @property def auxtables(self): ''' all the auxiliary tables ''' return [ParamTable(self._ptr.auxTable(x)) for x in self._ptr.auxTableNames()]
[docs] def auxtable(self, name): ''' auxiliary table with the given name ''' ptr=self._ptr.auxTable(name) if ptr is None: raise ValueError("No such extra table '%s'" % name) return ParamTable(ptr)
[docs] def addAuxTable(self, name, table): ''' add or replace extra table with the given name. ''' self._ptr.addAuxTable(name, table._ptr)
[docs] def delAuxTable(self, name): ''' remove auxiliary table with the given name. ''' self._ptr.delAuxTable(name)
[docs] def addNonbondedFromSchema(self, funct, rule=""): ''' Add a nonbonded table to the system, and configure the nonbonded info according to funct and rule. funct must be the name of recognized nonbonded type. rule is not checked; at some point in the future we might start requiring that it be one of the valid combining rules for the specified funct. If nonbonded_info's vdw_funct and vdw_rule are empty, they are overridden by the provided values; otherwise, the corresponding values must agree if funct and rule are not empty. A nonbonded table is returned. ''' return TermTable(self._ptr.addNonbondedFromSchema(funct,rule))
def _update_atoms(self): p=self._ptr atms=self._atoms n=len(atms) A=Atom for i in range(n,p.maxAtomId()): atms.append(A(p,i)) return atms
[docs] def atomsel(self, sel): ''' Create and return an atom selection object (Atomsel). Args: sel (object): str atom selection, or list of GIDs (possibly empty). Note: Even if ids are provided, the ids of the selection are in sorted order. ''' if isinstance(sel, str): seltext = str(sel) elif not sel: seltext = 'none' else: seltext = 'index ' + ' '.join(map(str, sel)) return Atomsel(self._ptr, seltext)
[docs] def select(self, seltext): ''' return a list of Atoms satisfying the given VMD atom selection. ''' ids=self._ptr.selectAsList(seltext) atms=self._update_atoms() return [atms[i] for i in ids]
[docs] def selectIds(self, seltext, pos=None, box=None): ''' Return the ids of the Atoms satisfying the given VMD atom selection. This can be considerably faster than calling select(). if pos is supplied, it should be an Nx3 numpy array of positions, where N=self.natoms. If box is supplied, it should be a 3x3 numpy array of cell vectors, like System.cell. ''' return self._ptr.selectAsList(seltext, pos, box)
[docs] def selectArr(self, seltext): ''' Return the ids of the Atoms satisfying the given VMD atom selection as a numpy array of type uint32. ''' return self._ptr.selectAsArray(seltext)
[docs] def selectChain(self, name=None, segid=None): ''' Returns a single Chain with the matching name and/or segid, or raises an exception if no single such chain is present. ''' chains = [c for c in self.chains if (name is None or and (segid is None or c.segid==segid)] if not chains: return None if len(chains) is 1: return chains[0] raise ValueError("Found %d chains with given name and segid" % (len(chains)))
[docs] def selectCt(self, name=None): ''' Return a single Ct with the matching name, or raises an exception if no single such Ct is present ''' cts = [c for c in self.cts if (name is None or] if not cts: return None if len(cts) is 1: return cts[0] raise ValueError("Found %d cts with given name" % (len(cts)))
[docs] def append(self, system): ''' Appends atoms and forcefield from system to self. Returns a list of of the new created atoms in self. Systems must have identical nonbonded_info.vdw_funct. Overwrites self.global_cell with system.global_cell only when self.global_cell is all zeros. ''' p=self._ptr ids=p.append(system._ptr, BadId) atms=self._update_atoms() return [atms[i] for i in ids]
[docs] def clone(self, sel=None, share_params=False, use_index=False, forbid_broken_bonds=False): ''' Clone the System, returning a new System. If selection is provided, it should be an atom selection string, a list of ids, or a list of Atoms. If share_params is True, then ParamTables will be shared between the old and new systems. By default, copies of the ParamTables are made, but ParamTables shared _within_ the old system will also be shared in the new system. If forbid_broken_bonds is True, an exception will be thrown if the selected atoms do not include all atoms connected by bonds. ''' ptr = self._ptr if sel is None: ids = ptr.atomsAsList() elif isinstance(sel, str): ids = ptr.selectAsList(sel) else: ids = list(sel) if isinstance(ids[0], Atom): ptr, ids = _convert_ids(sel) if ptr != self._ptr: raise ValueError("Atoms in sel are not from this System") else: ids = [int(i) for i in ids] if forbid_broken_bonds and not _msys.SelectionIsClosed(ptr, ids): raise BrokenBondsError("selected atoms exclude some bonded atoms") flags = _msys.CloneOption.Default if share_params: flags = _msys.CloneOption.ShareParams if use_index: flags |= _msys.CloneOption.UseIndex return System(ptr.clone(ids, flags))
[docs] def sorted(self): ''' Return a clone of the system with atoms reordered based on their order of appearance in a depth-first traversal of the structure hierarchy. ''' return self.clone(self._ptr.orderedIds())
[docs] def guessBonds(self, replace=True, reanalyze=True, periodic=False): ''' Guess bond connectivity based on an atomic-number based atom radius. Replaces any existing bonds, unless replace=False is specified. Reanalyzes fragids and atom types unless reanalyze=False is specified. In that case, you MUST call updateFragids() manually before making any use of the fragment assignment (fragids will be out of date). ''' if replace: self.delBonds(self.bonds) _msys.GuessBondConnectivity(self._ptr, bool(periodic)) if reanalyze: self.analyze()
[docs] def analyze(self): ''' Assign atom and residue types. This needs to be called manually only if you create a system from scratch, using msys.CreateSystem(); in that case, analyze() should be called before performing any atom selections. ''' _msys.Analyze(self._ptr)
[docs] def updateFragids(self): ''' Find connected sets of atoms, and assign each a 0-based id, stored in the fragment property of the atom. Return a list of fragments as a list of lists of atoms. ''' p = self._ptr frags = p.updateFragids() result=[] for f in frags: result.append( [Atom(p,i) for i in f] ) return result
@property def provenance(self): ''' return a list of Provenance entries for this system ''' return self._ptr.provenance()
[docs] def findContactIds(self, cutoff, ids=None, other=None, pos=None, ignore_excluded=False): ''' Find atoms not bonded to each other which are within cutoff of each other. If ids is not None, consider only atoms with the given ids. If other is not None, consider only atom pairs such that one is in ids and the other is in other. If pos is not None, use pos as positions, which should be natoms x 3 regardless of the size of ids or other. pos may be supplied only when there are no deleted atoms in the structure. If ignore_excluded=True, exclusions from the exclusion table are used. If ignore_excluded=False, bonds in System.bonds are still excluded. Returns a list of (id 1, id 2, distance) tuples for each contact found. ''' cutoff = float(cutoff) results = self._ptr.findContactIds(cutoff, ids, other, pos) if ignore_excluded: excl = self.getTable('exclusion') if excl is None: raise ValueError("ignore_excluded set to True, but no exclusion table in system") pairs = set() for t in excl.terms: ai, aj = [ for a in t.atoms] pairs.add(tuple(sorted((ai, aj)))) results = [r for r in results if tuple(sorted((r[0],r[1]))) not in pairs] return results
[docs]class AnnotatedSystem(object): ''' System that has been annotated with additional chemical information The AnnotatedSystem class provides chemical annotation useful primarily for evaluating smarts patterns. The system is expected to already have have chemical reasonable bond orders and formal charges, and to have no missing atoms (e.g. hydrogens). If these criteria cannot be met, set allow_bad_charges=True in the constructor to bypass these checks; in that case the AnnotatedSystem can still be used to evaluate smarts patterns, but patterns making use of the electronic state of the system (e.g. aromaticity, hybridization, etc.) will not be correct (the system will appear to be entirely aliphatic). You may also use the AssignBondOrderAndFormalCharge function to assign reasonable bond orders and formal charges, assuming there are no missing atoms. The AnnotatedSystem defines a model for aromaticity. First, the SSSR (smallest set of smallest rings) is determined. Next, rings which share bonds are detected and grouped into ring systems. Rings are initially marked as nonaromatic. If the ring system taken as a whole is deemed to be aromatic, then all rings within it are aromatic as well; otherwise, individual rings are checked for aromaticity. Rings are checked in this fashion until no new rings are found to be aromatic. A ring system is deemed to be aromatic if it satisfies Huckel's 4N+2 rule for the number of electrons in the ring(s). An internal double bond (i.e. a bond between two atoms in the ring) adds 2 to the electron count. An external double bond (a bond between a ring atom and an atom not in that ring) adds 1 to the electron count. An external double bond between a carbon and a nonaromatic carbon makes the ring unconditionally nonaromtic. An atom with a lone pair and no double bonds adds 2 to the electron count. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, sys, allow_bad_charges=False): ''' Construct from System. AnnotatedSystem is not updated if System is subsequently modified. ''' flags = _msys.AnnotatedSystemFlags.Default if allow_bad_charges: flags |= _msys.AnnotatedSystemFlags.AllowBadCharges self._ptr = _msys.AnnotatedSystem(sys._ptr, flags) self._name =
[docs] def __repr__(self): return "<AnnotatedSystem '%s'>" % self._name
@property def errors(self): ''' List of errors found during system analysis if allow_bad_charges=True ''' return self._ptr.errors()
[docs] def aromatic(self, atom_or_bond): ''' Is atom or bond aromatic ''' if type(atom_or_bond) == Atom: return self._ptr.atomAromatic( elif type(atom_or_bond) == Bond: return self._ptr.bondAromatic( else: raise TypeError("atom_or_bond must be of type msys.Atom or msys.Bond")
[docs] def hcount(self, atom): ''' Number of bonded hydrogens ''' if type(atom) == Atom: return self._ptr.atomHcount( else: raise TypeError("atom must be of type msys.Atom")
[docs] def degree(self, atom): ''' Number of (non-pseudo) bonds ''' if type(atom) == Atom: return self._ptr.atomDegree( else: raise TypeError("atom must be of type msys.Atom")
[docs] def valence(self, atom): ''' Sum of bond orders of all (non-pseudo) bonds ''' if type(atom) == Atom: return self._ptr.atomValence( else: raise TypeError("atom must be of type msys.Atom")
[docs] def loneelectrons(self, atom): ''' Number of lone electrons ''' if type(atom) == Atom: return self._ptr.atomLoneElectrons( else: raise TypeError("atom must be of type msys.Atom")
[docs] def hybridization(self, atom): ''' Atom hybridization -- 1=sp, 2=sp2, 3=sp3, 4=sp3d, etc. Equal to 0 for hydrogen and atoms with no bonds, otherwise max(1, + (a.lone_electrons+1)/2 - 1). ''' if type(atom) == Atom: return self._ptr.atomHybridization( else: raise TypeError("atom must be of type msys.Atom")
[docs] def ringbondcount(self, atom): ''' Number of ring bonds ''' if type(atom) == Atom: return self._ptr.atomRingBonds( else: raise TypeError("atom must be of type msys.Atom")
[docs]class SmartsPattern(object): ''' A class representing a compiled SMARTS pattern The Msys smarts implementation is similar to that of `Daylight smarts <>`, with support for arbitrarily nested recursive smarts. A few features are not currently supported; warnings will be generated when these constructs are used in a smarts pattern. * Directional bonds; e.g. ``\\`` and `/`; these are treated as single bonds (i.e. as a `-` character). * Chiral specification (``@``, ``@@``, etc); ignored. * Implicit hydrogen (``h``): treated as explicit ``H``. * Explicit degree (``D``): treated as bond count ``X``. * Isotopes: (``[12C]``): ignored. * Atom class (``[C:6]``): ignored. On the other hand, Msys does support hybridization using the ``^`` token, as in OpenBabel:: [c^2] select sp2 aromatic carbon '''
[docs] def __init__(self, pattern): ''' Initialize with SMARTS pattern ''' self._pat = _msys.SmartsPattern(str(pattern))
@property def natoms(self): ''' Number of atoms in the compiled smarts pattern ''' return self._pat.atomCount() @property def pattern(self): ''' The pattern used to initialize the object ''' return self._pat.pattern() @property def warnings(self): ''' Warnings, if any, emitted during compilation ''' return self._pat.warnings()
[docs] def __repr__(self): return "<SmartsPattern '%s'>" % self.pattern
[docs] def findMatches(self, annotated_system, atoms=None): ''' Return list of lists representing ids of matches of this pattern in this system, optionally requiring that the first atom match belongs to the given set of atoms. An AnnotatedSystem must be used here, which can be constructed from a System after calling AssignBondOrderAndFormalCharge. ''' ptr = annotated_system._ptr if atoms is None: atoms = ptr.atoms() else: atoms = _convert_ids(atoms)[1] return self._pat.findMatches(ptr, atoms)
[docs] def match(self, annotated_system): ''' Return True if a match is found anywhere; False otherwise. This is much faster than checking for an empty result from findMatches. ''' return self._pat.match(annotated_system._ptr)
[docs]def CreateSystem(): ''' Create a new, empty System ''' return System(_msys.SystemPtr.create())
def _convert_ids(hs, klass=Atom): if not hs: return None, [] ids = list() ptr = None for h in hs: if not isinstance(h, klass): raise TypeError("Expect list of %s; got %s" % (klass,type(h))) ids.append( ptr = ptr or h._ptr if ptr != h._ptr: raise ValueError("Inputs come from multiple systems") return ptr, ids
[docs]def CreateParamTable(): ''' Create a new, empty ParamTable ''' return ParamTable(_msys.ParamTablePtr.create())
[docs]def LoadDMS(path=None, structure_only=False, buffer=None ): ''' Load the DMS file at the given path and return a System containing it. If structure_only is True, only Atoms, Bonds, Residues and Chains will be loaded, along with the GlobalCell, and no pseudos (atoms with atomic number less than one) will be loaded. If the buffer argument is provided, it is expected to hold the contents of a DMS file, and the path argument will be ignored. ''' if buffer is None and path is None: raise ValueError("Must provide either path or buffer") if buffer is not None and path is not None: raise ValueError("Must provide either path or buffer") if path is not None: ptr = _msys.ImportDMS(path, structure_only ) else: ptr = _msys.ImportDMSFromBuffer(buffer, structure_only) return System(ptr)
[docs]def LoadMAE(path=None, ignore_unrecognized = False, buffer=None, structure_only = False): ''' load the MAE file at the given path and return a System containing it. Forcefield tables will be created that attempt to match as closely as possible the force terms in the MAE file; numerical differences are bound to exist. If ignore_unrecognized is True, ignore unrecognized force tables. If the buffer argument is provided, it is expected to hold the contents of an MAE file, and the path argument will be ignored. If the contents of the file specified by path, or the contents of buffer, are recognized as being gzip-compressed, they will be decompressed on the fly. If structure_only is True, no forcefield components will be loaded. ''' if buffer is None and path is None: raise ValueError("Must provide either path or buffer") if buffer is not None and path is not None: raise ValueError("Must provide either path or buffer") ignore_unrecognized = bool(ignore_unrecognized) structure_only = bool(structure_only) if path is not None: ptr = _msys.ImportMAE(path, ignore_unrecognized, structure_only ) else: ptr = _msys.ImportMAEFromBuffer( buffer, ignore_unrecognized, structure_only ) return System(ptr)
[docs]def LoadPDB(path): ''' Load a PDB file at the given path and return a System. No bonds will be created, even if CONECT records are parent. ''' path=str(path) ptr = _msys.ImportPDB(path) return System(ptr)
[docs]def LoadPrmTop(path, structure_only = False): ''' Load an Amber7 prmtop file at the given path and return a System. Coordinates and global cell information are not present in the file. ''' path=str(path) ptr = _msys.ImportPrmTop(path, bool(structure_only)) return System(ptr)
[docs]def LoadMol2(path, multiple=False): ''' Load a mol2 file at the given path. If multiple is True, return a list of Systems, one for each MOLECULE record. Otherwise, return just one System corresponding to the first MOLECULE record. ''' if multiple: return [System(p) for p in _msys.ImportMOL2Many(path)] return System(_msys.ImportMOL2(path))
[docs]def LoadXYZ(path): ''' Load an xyz file at the given path. Guesses bonds based on guessed atomic numbers based on atom name. ''' return System(_msys.ImportXYZ(path))
[docs]def Load(path, structure_only=False, without_tables=None): ''' Infer the file type of path and load the file. Args: path: if str, a file path or PDB accession code. if int, an Anton jobid (require 'yas' garden module) structure_only (bool): Omit force tables and pseudo atoms without_tables (bool): Omit force tables. Returns: new System ''' structure_only = bool(structure_only) if without_tables is None: without_tables = structure_only jobid = None # if it looks like an int, treat it as a jobid. try: jobid = int(path) except ValueError: pass else: try: import yas except ImportError: raise ValueError("An integer path was specified, but 'import yas' failed") import json job = yas.GetJobs(jobid) if not job: raise ValueError("No such job '%s'" % jobid) input_ark = job.input_ark if not isinstance(input_ark, dict): input_ark = json.loads(input_ark) path = str(input_ark['boot']['file']) ptr = _msys.Load(path, structure_only, without_tables) if not ptr: raise ValueError("Could not guess file type of '%s'" % path) if jobid is not None: = str(jobid) return System(ptr)
[docs]class IndexedFileLoader(object): ''' Supports random access to multi-structure files '''
[docs] def __init__(self, path, idx_path = None): ''' Open an indexed file loader, creating an index file if needed. Args: path (str): file path. File type is inferred from the extension. idx_path (str): index file path. Defaults to $path.idx. Note: You need write permission to the location of the index file. ''' if idx_path is None: idx_path = "" else: idx_path = str(idx_path) self._ptr = _msys.IndexedFileLoader.create(path, idx_path)
@property def path(self): ''' path to source file ''' return self._ptr.path()
[docs] def __len__(self): ''' number of entries ''' return self._ptr.size()
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index): ''' Get structure at given index Args: index (int): 0-based index Returns: mol (System): msys System ''' return System(
[docs]def ConvertToOEChem(mol_or_atoms): ''' Construct an OEChem OEMol from the given System Args: mol: System or [Atoms] Returns: oechem.OEMol Notes: If [Atoms] are give, only bonds involving the specified atoms will be passed to to the OEMol; this is the same behavior as System.clone(atoms). ''' if not mol_or_atoms: raise ValueError("No atoms supplied in mol_or_atoms") from openeye import oechem expdate = oechem.OEUIntArray(3) if not oechem.OEChemIsLicensed(None, expdate): raise RuntimeError("ConvertToOEChem requires a valid OEChem license, expired %u %u %u, contact" % tuple(reversed(expdate))) oe_mol = oechem.OEMol() oe_atoms = dict() if isinstance(mol_or_atoms, System): atoms = mol_or_atoms.atoms bonds = mol_or_atoms.bonds coords = mol_or_atoms.positions else: atoms = mol_or_atoms bonds = list() for a in atoms: bonds += a.bonds bonds = sorted(set(bonds), key=lambda x: coords = numpy.array([a.pos for a in atoms]) mol = atoms[0].system have_isotope = 'isotope' in mol.atom_props for idx, atm in enumerate(atoms): oe_atom = oe_mol.NewAtom(atm.atomic_number) oe_atom.SetFormalCharge(atm.formal_charge) if have_isotope: oe_atom.SetIsotope(atm['isotope']) # paranoia check because this isn't gauranteed by OEChem, but # so far it always has been true: # so protect ourselves from a future version breaking this assertion assert idx == oe_atom.GetIdx() oe_atoms[] = oe_atom for bnd in bonds: bgn = oe_atoms.get( end = oe_atoms.get( if bgn is not None and end is not None: oe_mol.NewBond(bgn, end, bnd.order) oe_mol.SetCoords(coords.flatten().tolist()) oechem.OESetDimensionFromCoords(oe_mol) oechem.OEPerceiveChiral(oe_mol) if oe_mol.GetDimension() == 3: oechem.OE3DToBondStereo(oe_mol) oechem.OE3DToAtomStereo(oe_mol) oe_mol.SetDimension(3) # msys really only traffics in 3D molecules name = atoms[0] oe_mol.SetTitle(name) return oe_mol
[docs]def ConvertFromOEChem(oe_mol, force=False): ''' Construct a System from the given OEChem OEMol Args: oe_mol (oechem.OEMol) : the OEChem molecule to convert force (bool) : whether sanity checks should be performed before conversion Returns: mol (System): System ''' from openeye import oechem expdate = oechem.OEUIntArray(3) if not oechem.OEChemIsLicensed(None, expdate): raise RuntimeError("ConvertFromOEChem requires a valid OEChem license, expired %u %u %u, contact" % tuple(reversed(expdate))) if not force: if oe_mol.GetDimension() != 3: raise ValueError("ConvertFromOEChem expects 3D coordinates to not loose stereochemistry, i.e., oe_mol.GetDimension() == 3") if oechem.OEHasImplicitHydrogens(oe_mol): raise ValueError("ConvertFromOEChem expects explicit hydrogens to be set on the molecule first, i.e., call OEAddExplicitHydrogens first") msys_system = CreateSystem() default_res = None chain_id_to_msys_chain = {} oe_res_to_msys_res = {} oe_idx_to_msys_id = {} have_isotope = False for oe_atom in oe_mol.GetAtoms(): if not oechem.OEHasResidue(oe_atom): if default_res is None: default_res = msys_system.addResidue() msys_res = default_res else: oe_res = oechem.OEAtomGetResidue(oe_atom) if oe_res in oe_res_to_msys_res: msys_res = oe_res_to_msys_res[oe_res] else: chain_id = oe_res.GetChainID() if chain_id in chain_id_to_msys_chain: msys_chain = chain_id_to_msys_chain[chain_id] else: msys_chain = msys_system.addChain() = chain_id chain_id_to_msys_chain[chain_id] = msys_chain msys_res = msys_chain.addResidue() msys_res.insertion = oe_res.GetInsertCode() = oe_res.GetName() msys_res.resid = oe_res.GetResidueNumber() oe_res_to_msys_res[oe_res] = msys_res msys_atom = msys_res.addAtom() oe_idx = oe_atom.GetIdx() oe_idx_to_msys_id[oe_idx] = msys_atom.atomic_number = oe_atom.GetAtomicNum() msys_atom.formal_charge = oe_atom.GetFormalCharge() msys_atom.pos = oe_mol.GetCoords(oe_atom) if oe_atom.GetType(): = oe_atom.GetType() if oe_atom.GetIsotope(): if not have_isotope: msys_system.addAtomProp("isotope", int) msys_atom['isotope'] = oe_atom.GetIsotope() msys_atoms = msys_system.atoms for oe_bond in oe_mol.GetBonds(): bgnIdx = oe_idx_to_msys_id[oe_bond.GetBgnIdx()] endIdx = oe_idx_to_msys_id[oe_bond.GetEndIdx()] msys_bond = msys_atoms[bgnIdx].addBond(msys_atoms[endIdx]) msys_bond.order = oe_bond.GetOrder() assert msys_system.natoms == oe_mol.NumAtoms() assert msys_system.nbonds == oe_mol.NumBonds() msys_system.cts[0].name = oe_mol.GetTitle() msys_system.updateFragids() return msys_system
[docs]def ConvertToRdkit(mol, sanitize=True): ''' Construct an RDKit ROMol from the given System Args: mol (System): System sanitize (bool): whether to sanitize the molecule Returns: rdkit.ROMol Notes: alchemical systems may require sanitize=False ''' from rdkit import Chem rdmol = Chem.Mol() emol = Chem.EditableMol(rdmol) for atm in mol.atoms: ratm = Chem.Atom(atm.atomic_number) ratm.SetFormalCharge(atm.formal_charge) ratm.SetProp("_Name", emol.AddAtom(ratm) for bnd in mol.bonds: if 0 in (bnd.first.atomic_number, bnd.second.atomic_number): order = 0 else: order = bnd.order emol.AddBond(,, Chem.BondType(order)) rdmol = emol.GetMol() conf = Chem.Conformer(mol.natoms) for i, pos in enumerate(mol.getPositions()): conf.SetAtomPosition(i, pos) confId = rdmol.AddConformer(conf) # the RDKit Python API makes a copy of this conformer conf = rdmol.GetConformer(confId) # so re-acquire the conformer for DetectBondStereoChemistry if sanitize: Chem.SanitizeMol(rdmol) Chem.AssignAtomChiralTagsFromStructure(rdmol) Chem.DetectBondStereoChemistry(rdmol, conf) Chem.AssignStereochemistry(rdmol) return rdmol
[docs]def ConvertFromRdkit(rdmol): """Construct an msys System from an RDMol Args: mol (rdkit.ROMol): system Returns: System Notes: All atoms will be assigned to the same Residue. Only the first conformer will be used, if any. There must not be any implicit hydrogens. Bonds will be kekulized since msys doesn't maintain aromaticity. Chiral tags will not be maintained. """ from rdkit import Chem rh = Chem.AddHs(rdmol) if rh.GetNumAtoms() != rdmol.GetNumAtoms(): raise ValueError("input system has implicit hydrogens; use Chem.AddHs() to make them explicit") Chem.Kekulize(rdmol) mol = CreateSystem() chn = mol.addChain() res = chn.addResidue() for a in rdmol.GetAtoms(): atm = res.addAtom() atm.atomic_number = a.GetAtomicNum() = a.GetPropsAsDict().get('_Name', a.GetSymbol()) atm.formal_charge = a.GetFormalCharge() for b in rdmol.GetBonds(): bnd = mol.atom(b.GetBeginAtomIdx()).addBond(mol.atom(b.GetEndAtomIdx())) bnd.order = int(b.GetBondType()) if rdmol.GetConformers(): mol.setPositions(rdmol.GetConformer().GetPositions()) mol.updateFragids() return mol
[docs]def LoadMany(path, structure_only=False, error_writer=sys.stderr): ''' Iterate over structures in a file, if the file type supports iteration. for mol in LoadMany('input.mol2'): ... If there was an error reading a structure, LoadMany returns None for that iteration. If error_writer is not None, it's write() method is invoked with the contents of the exception message as argument. error_writer defaults to sys.stderr. ''' it = _msys.LoadIterator.create(str(path), bool(structure_only)) i=-1 while True: i += 1 try: mol = except Exception as e: if error_writer: error_writer.write("Error reading structure %d: %s\n" % (i,e)) yield None continue if mol is None: break yield System(mol)
[docs]def Save(mol, path, append=False, structure_only=False): ''' Save the given system to path, using a file format guessed from the path name. Not all formats support both append and structure_only options; see the corresponding SaveXXX functions. ''' return _msys.Save(mol._ptr, str(path), _msys.Provenance.fromArgs(sys.argv), bool(append), bool(structure_only))
[docs]def FormatSDF(mol): ''' Return System in sdf format ''' return _msys.FormatSDF(mol._ptr)
[docs]def ParseSDF(text): ''' Iterate over blocks in sdf format text. Accepts normal and gzipped text. ''' it = _msys.ParseSDF(text) while True: mol = if mol is None: break yield System(mol)
[docs]def ReadPDBCoordinates(mol, path): ''' Read coordinates and box from the given pdb file into the given System. ''' path=str(path) if not isinstance(mol, System): raise TypeError("mol must be a System") _msys.ImportPDBCoordinates(mol._ptr, path)
[docs]def ReadCrdCoordinates(mol, path): ''' Read coordinates from the given Amber crd file into the given System. ''' path=str(path) if not isinstance(mol, System): raise TypeError("mol must be a System") _msys.ImportCrdCoordinates(mol._ptr, path)
[docs]def SaveDMS(system, path, structure_only=False, unbuffered=False): ''' Export the System to a DMS file at the given path. ''' path = str(path) prov = _msys.Provenance.fromArgs(sys.argv) flags = _msys.DMSExportFlags.Default if structure_only: flags |= _msys.DMSExportFlags.StructureOnly if unbuffered: flags |= _msys.DMSExportFlags.Unbuffered _msys.ExportDMS(system._ptr, path, prov, flags)
[docs]def FormatDMS(system): ''' Return the DMS form of the system as bytes ''' return _msys.FormatDMS(system._ptr)
[docs]def FormatJson(system): """Json formatted system (EXPERIMENTAL)""" return _msys.FormatJson(system._ptr)
def ParseJson(text): return System(_msys.ParseJson(text))
[docs]def SerializeMAE(system, with_forcefield=True): ''' Return the MAE form of the System as bytes. ''' prov = _msys.Provenance.fromArgs(sys.argv) ff = bool(with_forcefield) flags = _msys.MaeExportFlags.Default if not with_forcefield: flags |= _msys.MaeExportFlags.StructureOnly return _msys.ExportMAEContents(system._ptr, prov, flags).encode()
[docs]def SaveMAE(system, path, with_forcefield = True, append = False): ''' Export the System (or list of systems) to an MAE file at the given path. ''' prov = _msys.Provenance.fromArgs(sys.argv) ff = bool(with_forcefield) flags = _msys.MaeExportFlags.Default if not with_forcefield: flags |= _msys.MaeExportFlags.StructureOnly if append: flags |= _msys.MaeExportFlags.Append if isinstance(system, System): _msys.ExportMAE(system._ptr, path, prov, flags) else: for mol in system: _msys.ExportMAE(mol._ptr, path, prov, flags) flags |= _msys.MaeExportFlags.Append
[docs]def SavePDB(system, path, append=False, reorder=False): ''' Export the System to a PDB file at the given path. ''' flags = _msys.PDBExportFlags.Default if append: flags |= _msys.PDBExportFlags.Append if reorder: flags |= _msys.PDBExportFlags.Reorder _msys.ExportPDB(system._ptr, str(path), flags)
[docs]def SaveMol2(system, path, selection='none', append=False, moe=True): ''' Export the System to a mol2 file at the given path. You should probably call AssignBondOrderAndFormalCharge() before exporting the system. Args: system (System): msys system path (str): file name to save to selection (str): msys selection string to restrict to append (bool): if True, don't clobber path, just append to it moe (bool): output guadinium groups with aromatic bonds so that MOE will read correctly ''' ptr=system._ptr path=str(path) prov=_msys.Provenance.fromArgs(sys.argv) flags = _msys.Mol2ExportFlags.Default if append: flags |= _msys.Mol2ExportFlags.Append if moe: flags |= _msys.Mol2ExportFlags.MOE _msys.ExportMOL2(ptr,path,prov,system.selectIds(selection),flags)
[docs]def FromSmilesString(smiles, forbid_stereo=True): ''' Construct a System from a smiles string. Args: smiles (str): the smiles string forbid_stereo (bool): if True, raise exception if smiles has stereo EXPERIMENTAL. In particular, stereo information in the smiles string is ignored. Set forbid_stereo=False to permit stereo specifications to be silently ignored. This flag may be removed at a later date once stereo support has been added. ''' return System(_msys.FromSmilesString(smiles, forbid_stereo))
[docs]def TableSchemas(): ''' available schemas for System.addTableFromSchema ''' return [s for s in _msys.TableSchemas()]
[docs]def NonbondedSchemas(): ''' available nonbonded schemas for System.addNonbondedFromSchema ''' return [s for s in _msys.NonbondedSchemas()]
[docs]def GetSSSR(atoms, all_relevant=False): """Get smallest set of smallest rings (SSSR) for a system fragment. The SSSR is in general not unique; the SSSR of a tetrahedron is any three of its four triangular faces. The set of rings that is the union of all SSSR's (all relevant rings) may be obtained by setting all_relevant to True. Arguments: atoms -- [msys.Atom, ..., msys.Atom] from a single system all_relevant -- bool Returns: [[msys.Atom, ..., msys.Atom], ..., [msys.Atom, ..., msys.Atom]] """ ptr, ids = _convert_ids(atoms) rings = _msys.GetSSSR(ptr, ids, all_relevant) return [[Atom(ptr, id) for id in ring] for ring in rings]
[docs]def GetRingSystems(atoms): ''' Get ring systems for the given atoms ''' ptr, _ids = _convert_ids(atoms) return _msys.RingSystems(ptr, _ids)
def _assign(m, *args): AssignBondOrderAndFormalCharge(m, *args) return m
[docs]def AssignBondOrderAndFormalCharge(system_or_atoms, total_charge=None, compute_resonant_charges=False, *, timeout=60.): """Assign bond orders and formal charges to a molecular system. Determines bond orders and formal charges by preferring neutral charges and placing negative charges with more electronegative atoms, under octet constraints and the total system charge constraint. Assigns the bond orders and formal charges to the system. Can assign to a subset of atoms of the system, provided these atoms form complete connected fragments. Arguments: system_or_atoms: either a System or a list of Atoms total_charge: if not None, integral total charge compute_resonant_charges (bool): compute and store resonant charge in atom property 'resonant_charge' and resonant bond order in bond property 'resonant_order'. timeout (float): maximum time allowed, in seconds. Note: calling this function on a chemically incomplete system, i.e. just protein backbone, cause msys to hit the timeout. """ timeout_ms = int(timeout * 1000) if isinstance(system_or_atoms, System): ptr = system_or_atoms._ptr if total_charge is None: return _msys.AssignBondOrderAndFormalCharge(ptr, compute_resonant_charges, timeout_ms) ids = ptr.atomsAsList() else: ptr, ids = _convert_ids(system_or_atoms) if total_charge is None: _msys.AssignBondOrderAndFormalCharge(ptr, ids, compute_resonant_charges, timeout_ms) else: _msys.AssignBondOrderAndFormalCharge(ptr, ids, int(total_charge), compute_resonant_charges, timeout_ms)
[docs]class Graph(object): ''' Represents the chemical topology of a System Used mainly to implement graph isomorphism; see the match() method ''' @classmethod def _from_boost(cls, _ptr, _sys): graph = cls(CreateSystem()) graph._ptr = _ptr graph._sys = _sys return graph
[docs] def __init__(self, system_or_atoms, colors=None): """Construct Graph Arguments: system_or_atoms: System or [Atoms] colors: None, [Int] or Callable If colors is provided, it is used to specify the vertex color for each atom in the graph. By default, atomic number is used. A color may be provided for each atom, or a callable accepting an Atom as argument. Atoms with color zero are ignored for purposes of graph matching, and no mapping will be returned for them. """ if isinstance(system_or_atoms, System): ptr = system_or_atoms._ptr ids = ptr.atomsAsList() else: ptr, ids = _convert_ids(system_or_atoms) if colors is None: self._ptr = _msys.GraphPtr.create(ptr,ids) else: if callable(colors): colors = [colors(Atom(ptr, i)) for i in ids] self._ptr = _msys.GraphPtr.create_with_colors(ptr,ids,colors) self._sys = ptr
[docs] def size(self): ''' number of atoms in graph ''' return self._ptr.size()
[docs] def atoms(self): ''' ordered atoms in graph ''' return [Atom(self._sys, i) for i in self._ptr.atoms()]
[docs] def hash(self): ''' string hash of atoms and bonds in graph ''' return self._ptr.hash()
[docs] @staticmethod def hash_atoms(atoms): ''' string hash of specified atoms Arguments: atoms ([msys.Atom]): list of atoms ''' ptr, ids = _convert_ids(atoms) return _msys.GraphPtr.hash_atoms(ptr, ids)
[docs] def match(self, graph): ''' Find a graph isomorphism between self and the given Graph. If no isomorphism could be found, return None; otherwise return mapping from atoms in this graph to atoms in that graph. ''' if not isinstance(graph, Graph): raise TypeError("graph argument must be an instance of msys.Graph") t = self._ptr.match(graph._ptr) if t is not None: t=dict((Atom(self._sys, i), Atom(graph._sys,j)) for i,j in t) return t
[docs] def matchAll(self, graph, substructure=False): ''' Find all graph isomorphisms between self and the given Graph. If no isomorphism could be found, return empty list; otherwise return list of dicts mapping atoms in this graph to atoms in that graph. If substructure is True, return isomorphisms between self and any subgraph of the given Graph. ''' if not isinstance(graph, Graph): raise TypeError("graph argument must be an instance of msys.Graph") t = self._ptr.matchAll(graph._ptr, substructure) return [dict((Atom(self._sys, i), Atom(graph._sys, j)) for i,j in item) for item in t]
[docs]def GuessHydrogenPositions(atoms): ''' Experimental ''' ptr, ids = _convert_ids(atoms) _msys.GuessHydrogenPositions(ptr, ids)
[docs]def FindDistinctFragments(system, key='graph'): ''' Find connected sets of atoms with identical topology. Arguments: system: System chemical system key: str one of 'graph', 'inchi', 'oechem_smiles', or list of strings, one per fragment Returns: dict[int -> [int]]: mapping from representative fragment id to ids of fragments having identical topology. Notes: Fragments are distinguished according to value given by 'key'; if 'graph', topologically identical fragments will be considered identical even if they have different stereochemistry. Choose one of the other options to include stereochemistry in the fragment disambiguation. ''' frags = system.updateFragids() if key == 'graph': keys = [] # uses default Graph hash elif key == 'inchi': keys = [InChI(system.clone(f)).string for f in frags] elif key == 'oechem_smiles': from openeye import oechem keys = [oechem.OEMolToSmiles(ConvertToOEChem(f)) for f in frags] elif isinstance(key, list): keys = key else: raise ValueError("unsupported key %s'" % key) return _msys.FindDistinctFragments(system._ptr, keys)
[docs]def MatchFragments(mol1, mol2, key='graph'): """construct an atom to atom mapping for all fragments from mol1 to mol2 Arguments: mol1: System mol2: System key: see FindDistinctFragments Returns: dict[Atom -> Atom] or None """ frags1 = FindDistinctFragments(mol1, key) frags2 = FindDistinctFragments(mol2, key) if len(frags1) != len(frags2): return None ids1 = mol1.updateFragids() ids2 = mol2.updateFragids() # first pass: match representative fragments in 1 to fragments in 2 fragmap = dict() graphs = { f : Graph(ids1[f]) for f in frags1 } for fid2 in frags2: graph2 = Graph(ids2[fid2]) for fid1, graph1 in graphs.items(): if graph1.match(graph2): fragmap[fid1] = fid2 break else: return None del graphs[fid1] # second pass: match up individual fragments mapper = dict() for f1, f2 in fragmap.items(): list1 = frags1[f1] list2 = frags2[f2] if len(list1) != len(list2): return None for frag1, frag2 in zip(list1, list2): g1 = Graph(ids1[frag1]) g2 = Graph(ids2[frag2]) match = g1.match(g2) mapper.update(match) return mapper
[docs]def ComputeTopologicalIds(system): ''' Compute and return the topological ids for the atoms or system ''' ids = _msys.ComputeTopologicalIds(system._ptr) return [x for x in ids]
[docs]def GetBondsAnglesDihedrals(system): ''' Return bonds, angles and dihedrals deduced from bond topology Returns: dict ''' return _msys.GetBondsAnglesDihedrals(system._ptr)
[docs]def CalcDistance(a, b): ''' Distance between atoms or positions a and b ''' if not isinstance(a,numpy.ndarray): a = a.pos if not isinstance(b,numpy.ndarray): b = b.pos return _msys.calc_distance(a,b)
[docs]def CalcAngle(a, b, c): ''' Angle in radians of atoms or positions a-b-c. ''' if not isinstance(a,numpy.ndarray): a = a.pos if not isinstance(b,numpy.ndarray): b = b.pos if not isinstance(c,numpy.ndarray): c = c.pos return _msys.calc_angle(a,b,c)
[docs]def CalcDihedral(a, b, c, d): ''' Dihedral angle in radians of atoms or positions a-b-c-d ''' if not isinstance(a,numpy.ndarray): a = a.pos if not isinstance(b,numpy.ndarray): b = b.pos if not isinstance(c,numpy.ndarray): c = c.pos if not isinstance(d,numpy.ndarray): d = d.pos return _msys.calc_dihedral(a,b,c,d)
[docs]def ApplyDihedralGeometry(a, b, c, r, theta, phi): ''' Return the position of atom d with cd length r, bcd angle theta, and abcd dihedral phi, all in radians. ''' if not isinstance(a,numpy.ndarray): a = a.pos if not isinstance(b,numpy.ndarray): b = b.pos if not isinstance(c,numpy.ndarray): c = c.pos return _msys.apply_dihedral_geometry(a,b,c,float(r),float(theta),float(phi))
[docs]def CalcPlanarity(pos_or_atoms): ''' Planarity of positions or atoms ''' if isinstance(pos_or_atoms, numpy.ndarray): return _msys.calc_planarity(pos_or_atoms) n = len(pos_or_atoms) pos = numpy.empty((n,3), 'd') for i in range(n): pos[i,:] = pos_or_atoms[i].pos return _msys.calc_planarity(pos)
[docs]def LineIntersectsTriangle(r, s, a, b, c): ''' True if line segment rs intersects triangle abc ''' return _msys.line_intersects_tri(a,b,c,r,s)
[docs]class InChI(object): ''' InChI holds an the result of an inchi invocation for a structure '''
[docs] def __init__(self, system, DoNotAddH = True, SNon = False, FixedH = True): opts = 0 if DoNotAddH: opts |= _msys.InChI.Flags.DoNotAddH if SNon: opts |= _msys.InChI.Flags.SNon if FixedH: opts |= _msys.InChI.Flags.FixedH self._inchi = _msys.InChI.create(system._ptr, opts)
[docs] def __str__(self): return self.string
def __bool__(self): return self.ok @property def string(self): ''' Computed inchi string ''' return self._inchi.string() @property def auxinfo(self): ''' Auxiliary info ''' return self._inchi.auxinfo() @property def message(self): ''' Message returned by inchi during calculation ''' return self._inchi.message() @property def ok(self): ''' Was an inchi computed successfully? ''' return self._inchi.ok() @property def key(self): ''' inchi key for this object's string. ''' return self._inchi.key()
[docs]def CloneSystem(atoms): ''' Call System.clone(atoms) using the System from the first atom. DEPRECATED. Use System.clone directly instead. ''' if not atoms: raise ValueError("empty atoms list") return atoms[0].system.clone(atoms)
[docs]class SpatialHash(object): ''' SpatialHash provides an interface for efficient spatial queries on particle positions. ''' Exclusions = _msys.SpatialHashExclusions
[docs] def __init__(self, pos, ids=None, box=None): ''' Construct from particle positions. If ids are provided, they should be a numpy array of type uint32 and specify which rows of the Nx3 pos array are to be hashed. If box is provided, it must be a 3x3 array of doubles, and the search will be performed using periodic boundary conditions. ''' # FIXME: change the C++ SpatialHash class so that ids are optional. if ids is None: ids = numpy.arange(len(pos), dtype='uint32') self._hash = _msys.SpatialHash(pos, ids, box)
[docs] def voxelize(self, radius): ''' Perform voxelization such that findWithin queries with reuse_voxels=True at a radius equal to or less than the given radius can be performed accurately. For queries at radius less than the voxelization, it may be worthwhile to revoxelize at a smaller radius. Note that, by default, findWithin calls voxelize with the query radius as argument, so it is not strictly necessary ever to use this method. ''' self._hash.voxelize(float(radius))
[docs] def findWithin(self, radius, pos, ids=None, reuse_voxels=False): ''' Find particles from pos which are within the given radius of some particle in the spatial hash (i.e. provided in the SpatialHash constructor). By default, voxelization is performed at the same resolution as the query radius, but this can be overridden by calling voxelize() manually, then calling findWithin() with reuse_voxels=True. pos is expected to be an Nx3 array of floats. The ids parameter defaults to arange(len(pos)); supply an array of ids to limit the search to a subset of rows in pos. ''' # FIXME: Make ids optional in the C++ interface if ids is None: ids = numpy.arange(len(pos), dtype='uint32') return self._hash.findWithin(radius, pos, ids, reuse_voxels)
[docs] def findNearest(self, k, pos, ids=None): ''' Find at most k particles from pos with the smallest minimum distance to some particle in the spatial hash. If ids is not provided, it defaults to arange(len(pos)). ''' if ids is None: ids = numpy.arange(len(pos), dtype='uint32') return self._hash.findNearest(k, pos, ids)
[docs] def findContacts(self, radius, pos, ids=None, reuse_voxels=False): ''' Find pairs of particles within radius of each other. Args: radius (float): search radius pos (array[float]): positions ids (array[uint]): particle indices reuse_voxels (bool): assume voxelize(R>=radius) has already been called ignore_excluded (bool): exclude atom pairs in the exclusion table. Returns: i, j, dists (tuple): Mx1 arrays of ids and distances. The first array corresponds to ids in the call to findContacts; the second column to the ids passed to the SpatialHash constructor. IMPORTANT: pairs with the same id in the constructor and the call the findContacts are excluded from the output set. Therefore, the positions passsed to findContacts should correspond to the same atom indices as the positions passed to the SpatialHash constructor. ''' return self._hash.findContacts(radius, pos, ids, reuse_voxels)
def findPairlist(self, radius, excl, reuse_voxels=False): return self._hash.findPairlist(radius, excl, reuse_voxels)
HydrogenBond.__repr__ = lambda self: "<Hbond %s %s %s>" % (self.donor_id, self.acceptor_id, self.hydrogen_id) HydrogenBond.donor = property(lambda x: x.donor_id, doc="Donor atom id") HydrogenBond.acceptor = property(lambda x: x.acceptor_id, doc="Acceptor atom id")
[docs]class HydrogenBondFinder(object): ''' Find candidate hydrogen bonds. More hbonds will be found than are "realistic"; further filtering may be performed using the energy attribute of the returned hbonds. A reasonable filter seems to be around -1.0 (more negative is stronger); i.e. energies greater than that are more likely than not to be spurious. The HydrogenBond class can also be used directly to compute hydrogen bond geometry and energies by supplying donor, acceptor and hydrogen positions. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, system, donors, acceptors, cutoff=3.5): ''' Args: system (System): msys system donors: selection string, list of ids, or list of Atoms acceptors: selection string, list of ids, or list of Atoms cutoff (float): distance cutoff for donor and acceptor Note: If Atoms are provided, they must be members of system. ''' if not donors: raise ValueError("Empty donors argument") if not acceptors: raise ValueError("Empty acceptors argument") if cutoff<0.1: raise ValueError("Unreasonably small cutoff %s" % cutoff) self.system = system if isinstance(donors, str): donors = system.selectIds(donors) elif isinstance(donors[0], Atom): donors = [ for a in donors] if isinstance(acceptors, str): acceptors = system.selectIds(acceptors) elif isinstance(acceptors[0], Atom): acceptors = [ for a in acceptors] self.cutoff = cutoff # find hydrogens for each donor dh = dict() for don in donors: atm = system.atom(don) hyd = [ for h in atm.bonded_atoms if h.atomic_number==1] if hyd: dh[don] = hyd self.donors = numpy.array(list(dh.keys()), dtype=numpy.uint32) self.acceptors = numpy.array(acceptors, dtype=numpy.uint32) self.hydrogens_for_donor = dh
[docs] def find(self, pos=None): ''' Find hydrogen bonds for the given positions, defaulting to the current positions of the input system.''' if pos is None: pos = self.system.getPositions() elems = self.system.findContactIds(self.cutoff, self.donors, self.acceptors, pos) results = [] hdict = self.hydrogens_for_donor for don, acc, dist in elems: hlist = hdict[don] if len(hlist) > 1: # use the hydrogen closest to the acceptor apos = pos[acc] hdist = [(CalcDistance(pos[h],apos), h) for h in hlist] hdist.sort() hyd = hdist[0][1] else: hyd = hlist[0] hbond = _msys.HydrogenBond(pos[don], pos[acc], pos[hyd]) hbond.donor_id = don hbond.acceptor_id = acc hbond.hydrogen_id = hyd results.append(hbond) return results
[docs]class SystemImporter: '''Maps atoms to residues, chains and cts'''
[docs] def __init__(self, system): '''construct from system to be constructed Args: system (System): msys System ''' self._ptr = _msys.SystemImporter(system._ptr) self._sys = system
@property def system(self): '''input system''' return self._sys
[docs] def initialize(self, atoms): '''Process existing atoms in the system Args: atoms (list[msys.Atom]) atoms in system Note: can be called multiple times; each time clears the internal tables so that subsequent atoms do not share residues, chains, or cts with previously added atoms. ''' ptr, ids = _convert_ids(atoms) if ptr != self._sys._ptr: raise ValueError("atoms argument from different system") self._ptr.initialize(ids)
def terminateChain(self, chain, segid, ct=0): return self._ptr.terminateChain(str(chain), str(segid), int(ct))
[docs] def addAtom(self, chain, segid, resnum, resname, aname, insertion="", ct=0): '''Add atom to system Returns: newly added Atom ''' atomid = self._ptr.addAtom(str(chain), str(segid), int(resnum), str(resname), str(aname), str(insertion), int(ct)) return self._sys.atom(atomid)